The history of civil defence in Canada, and the Army’s role starting in 1959. This is one of the declassified Army Headquarters (AHQ) reports. This 1962 (29 Oct) Report was made available in 1986 and discusses the slow growth of Civil Defence activities in Canada, and then goes on to describe the Canadian Army’s assumption during 1959 of certain heavy responsibilities for Survival Operations including the Canadian Army’s extensive activities in Civil Defence plans and arrangements both in general rescue training and in re-entry operations. The following two CAMTs were produced by the Army to assist in training officers, other ranks (and in some cases Civilians) in these responsibilities.

Canadian Army Manual of Training – Survival Operations CAMT 2-91 – Jan. 1 1962
Click and read the FORWARD of this important CAMT to understand the ‘first priority of Canada’s Regular and Militia Units not engaged in the direct defence of the country‘.
Canadian Army Manual of Training – Basic Rescue CAMT 2-92 – 1961

Amazon Description: ” Training manual if Canada suffered a nuclear attack – Printed in 1961, height of the Cold War – Lots of illustrations and photographs. Sections include Rescue Units & Re-Entry Operations, Building Construction & Types of Damage, Reconnaissance and the Stages of Rescue, Fibre Ropes Wire Ropes and Chains, Knots & Lashings, Ladders in Rescue Work, Casualty Handling, Methods of Rescue, Damage to Public Services, Strengthening Damaged Buildings, Rescue by Debris Clearance and Tunnelling, Levers Jacks Chains Hoists Blocks and Tackle, Derricks A Frames and Tripods, Plates.”