Photos of the Construction of the E.A.S.E. Facility, (the Central Emergency Government HQ – The “Diefenbunker”) in Carp, Ontario 1959 – 61
Overview of EASE Facility Construction (Lower Levels). Bank of Canada Vault in Right Upper Background.Clockwise – Corner Reinforcing of Base Slab; Excavation of Original Gravel Pit; Base of Bank of Canada Vault; Nest of Reinforcing Steel Bars.Construction of Special High Strength Shear Heads… There are 36 of these which are designed to spread the blast loads over a greater area and thus prevent the columns from punching through the 5 foot thick top and bottom slabs under the huge over pressures involved …greater than 100psi.Construction of the Air Intake Ventilation Shaft SystemMore Reinforcing! (Hardly much room for the concrete) And techs checking to see that it is all grounded.Clockwise – Building the entrance tunnel; Lowering the blast doors into position; Installing the shock cradle mounts for the emergency generators.Clockwise – Positioning one of the column cores; Ready for the next pour of concrete; Forming the ‘Garage Shelter reinforcing steel; Installing the emergency radios. More on reinforcing steel placement and waterproofing the roof slab prior to back-filling the structure.